3rd Quarter and Upcoming Assessments
Week of January 30th
Room 22
February will be a very busy month for 2nd graders. We have our upcoming 2nd grade musical and the Cogat. The Cogat will be completed on the computers. Please check the Thursdays folders for a paper explaining the Cogat in more detail. Our class will be taking the Cogat on Thursday Feb. 9th, Friday Feb 10th, and Monday Feb. 13th at 8:30 AM each morning. Please try to ensure that students arrives to school on time with a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast on each of these days. We will practice how to complete the test on the computer in class in the upcoming week.
In science, we will begin our study of seasonal change and animal adaptations.
In math, we will finish up our study of probability and begin talking about telling time.
In reading, we will focus on reading books for deeper understanding. We will think about important parts of the students and the lessons authors are teaching us through these texts.
Ways to extend learning at home:
*Ask your child to think of things they do each day and the time of days that they complete these tasks (ex; wake up at 7:00 AM, eat lunch at 10:40 AM) to help bring an awareness of how we use clocks everyday. *Ask your child to read nonfiction text of their choice and have them identify 2 facts they learned from the story
*Ask your child to look outside and see what animals they notice outside in the winter. Have a discussion about how some of the animals in our forest habitat change in the winter (ex: bears hibernate, geese migrate)
Looking Ahead
Math- This week we will finish probability and begin discussing time on digital and analog clocks.
Content- Students will begin learning about seasonal change.
Reading- This week we will practice reading fictional stories for the author's message.
Writing- Students will be using their writing skills to information writing books.
Upcoming Dates & Reminders
-Friday January 27th Teacher Work Day
-Wednesday February 8th 2nd Grade Musical
-Cogat Testing Window
*Thursday February 9th at 8:30 AM Verbal
*Friday February 10th at 8:30 AM Quantitative
*Monday February 13th at 8:30 AM Nonverbal